When my first son was about four months old, I asked everyone I knew which baby carrier I should get. I was desperate. He wouldn’t sleep and I read online that most – if not all – babies would be lulled to sleep while being worn in a baby carrier. I knew I had to try it because nothing else was working and I was going slightly insane…
The majority of my friends recommended an Ergobaby carrier, so that is what I got! Goodness how quickly it became my Number 1 Baby Item. I probably never went a day without using it. After the Ergobaby came into my life, I could actually get things done around the house (and go places)… and this was a huge change to my previously stressed and isolated existence.
When my second son was born, my love of the Ergobaby took on a whole new meaning. Babywearing meant I could still do things with my 2 year old, because bub was happy to nap, nurse, and spend time in the carrier. It was a lifesaver!

Enjoying the Ergobaby 360
Now, with #3, the Ergobaby definitely makes it to my list of essentials for babies. I simply don’t know what I would do without it. If you follow me on Instagram, you may remember that when my daughter was younger I used to wear her while I blogged!
Thanks to Babes In Arms I was very excited to try out the new Ergobaby 360 this time around, which is awesome because baby can sit facing me like in the traditional model but she can also face forward with a simple adjustment to some buttons on the carrier! My baby girl is now 11 months and enjoys the change of facing in and out depending on what we are doing and where she is in her sleep cycle.
But although I love how a baby carrier allows me to get stuff done or help baby get to sleep, baby wearing has become so much more than a practical choice. Both my husband and I have grown to love and respect babywearing for so many more reasons. Here are some of our favourites.
15 Reasons to Babywear
To give baby lots of cuddles throughout the day
To be able to speak to baby and include him/her while you do jobs around the house
To keep baby at eye level so you can look at each other easily
To help baby go to sleep (many babies love being held when they fall asleep!)
To hold baby if he/she is sick and is clingy (but you still need to get things done)
To keep your baby close when you go out and are in an unfamiliar environment
To nurse discretely in public and while on-the-go (all my babies loved nursing in my Ergo!)
To get jobs done while putting baby to sleep (you can easily wear baby on your back while cooking dinner!)
To let baby have a nap when you are out (especially convenient when traveling so you don’t have to stay at home!)
To go on hikes or walks on the beach (outdoor places that prams wouldn’t be suitable for)
To spend time in congested places (like markets or shopping centres) without a pram getting in the way
To visit places with a lot of stairs (where prams would be inconvenient) such as a museum or library
To give daddy, grandparents and babysitters a reliable way of comforting and spending time with baby
To enjoy time with your older children (it’s easier to go on walks, spend time at the playground, and concentrate on an older child when you know that baby will be happy because you will be babywearing)
To get the cleaning done… without a baby on the floor while you are vacuuming, taking out all the toys you just put away!
BONUS – To make beautiful memories because you are able to do things so closely *together*.
What are your favourite parts about babywearing? Do you have fond memories of wearing your babies?
Thanks to Babes In Arms for sending me an Ergobaby 360 to review. All opinions are my own. To read more about reviews on my website, visit this page.
Have worn all my babies and still wear my 3yo and 1yo… I will REALLY miss carrying them when that stage is over… but I’m holding on as long as I can! 🙂