With 18 printables and 13 easy-to-read segments, How to Build Character at Home contains numerous ideas for incorporating character education into your family lifestyle and routine. It is a practical and useful addition to your parenting tool box. This ebook:
- Shares an overview of what character education can look like at home
- Gives tips for parents on how to utilize virtues in their parenting
- Includes practical routines, activities, a resource list, and ideas for family traditions so that you can add character building themes into your current lifestyle
- Contains worksheets for you to gain insights and evaluate what will work for you
- Offers fun printables to make each segment of the book easy to implement
- Is written in one-page segments so that the book is reader and user-friendly
Take a look at the inside…
What others are saying:
If you’re looking for ways to build character within the home then look no further than this ebook by Chelsea from Moments A Day. Each page provides you with simple strategies and ideas that will help you clarify and implement strong family values and work towards deepening connections between your partner and children. The printables found in this ebook are fabulous and help to make it all very achievable for any family.
– Kate, Laughing Kids Learn
I was already a huge fan of Chelsea’s work and so was eager to read her latest book. How to Build Character at Home offers practical advice to incorporate character-building into daily routines, finding the unique rhythm that suits your family. The book encourages self-reflection but is also realistic about how much time you have to spend on it – so everything is broken into pieces that are small but still significant. It is tailor made for busy families. As the mother of two small children, I am eager to implement the ideas.
– Leanna, All Done Monkey
Sneak peak at the Table of Contents…
Part I: Introducing Character Education Into Your Home
Part II: Parenting Tools to Create an Atmosphere Conducive to Character Building
Part III: Regular Study of Character Traits
Printables include: Family Goals Worksheet; The Art of Consultation; Virtue Development Plan for Children; Virtue Storyboard; Library List; Jar of Good Deeds; My Plan for Character Education at Home; + 11 more
About the Author:
Chelsea Lee Smith is the founder of MomentsADay.com, a website dedicated to sharing activities, ideas, and resources for families to connect, build character, and make a difference. She believes in using small moments throughout the day to help children learn how to use their head, heart, and hands to make the world a better place. How to Build Character at Home came about as part of Chelsea’s challenge to herself to spend a few moments every day helping her children build character. She has taken the most helpful ideas from her own experience and compiled them into a book that will help any family begin the process of intentional character education in a practical, straight-forward way.