The last month of the year has arrived and goodness what a year it has been. There’s only one more book to go for our book club! In case you are new to the club, you can read more about it here. Each month we alternate between reading a book focused on learning positive parenting skills… {read more}
Book Club for Parents
November Book Club: Minimalist Parenting by Christine Koh and Asha Dornfest
November has arrived much more quickly than I expected. Are you nearly ready to count down to the new year? Last month in the book club we explored what it means to be an introvert and how to engage introversion as a power instead of see it as a negative quality. I hope you found… {read more}
October Book Club: Quiet by Susan Cain
Happy October everyone! How did you enjoy last month’s reading? If it is your first time to our book club, you can read about its purpose and see our past selections here. This month I’ve decided to pick a book that at first may only seem applicable to about a third of our readers, but in… {read more}
September Book Club: Unconditional Parenting by Alfie Kohn
We are two-thirds done with the year, isn’t that crazy?! It’s amazing how quickly time flies once you have kids. I feel like I’m constantly planning and the months just fly away from me. Did you get a chance to delve into last month’s book? If you are new to book club, you can read… {read more}
August Book Club: Daring Greatly by Brené Brown
August is already flying by. How did you enjoy last month’s book club pick? If you are new to book club, you can read about it here. This month I’m choosing to go back to an author I’ve read time and time again, Brené Brown. To get a taste of her work which focuses on… {read more}
July Book Club: Parenting from the Inside Out by Siegel and Hartzell
July is here! How did you enjoy the book we explored last month? If you are new to the book club, you can see our past books and read about the purpose of the club on this page. This month’s book is focused on exploring the influence of childhood experiences and communication skills on parents’ relationships… {read more}
June Book Club: How the World Sees You by Sally Hogshead
Happy June everyone. How did you find the parenting tips in last month’s book? If you want to learn more about our book club, you can find out about why I’ve created it and check out our previous read-alongs here. This month we are focusing on personal growth again with a book that helps you learn… {read more}
May Book Club: Calm Parents, Happy Kids by Laura Markham
May is here! Did you enjoy last month’s book? If you are new to the book club, find the background of the book club and see our previous read-alongs here. This month we are back to a book about parenting (we alternate with personal growth) and I’m excited to delve into Calm Parents, Happy Kids: The… {read more}