I capture their every movement, their every shadow, in the endless crevices of my heart. Because I am a mother – and I can do nothing less than love my children with my entire being. I am that mom behind the wheel, in front of the stove, under a mountain of laundry, and on top of the world… {read more}
Personal Growth
Self-Care for Mothers: Enjoying Movement
A few months ago I posted about running the Mother’s Day Classic, a 4.5k run which raised money for cancer research. Let me just reiterate that this was NOT a normal occurrence for me. First of all, I originally thought that signing up for the run would inspire me to exercise leading up to the event. This was… {read more}
It’s The Little Things
Do you ever get caught up in the “to do” list that the little things escape your notice? I do. Some days I’m just waiting for the next email, the next piece of news, the next mess to clean up that I forget to slow down and simply enjoy the moment.
Self-Care for Mothers: Staying Hydrated
This is a sponsored post. Drinking more water was one of the first items on my “to do” list for health goals this year. Staying hydrated is so important for our bodies and our minds. Here are just a few of the benefits of proper hydration: Our bodies and organs function better We do not confuse thirst with hunger, and… {read more}
When You Just Can’t Stop Yelling
Yelling is a topic that several readers have asked me about lately. If you have read my ebook How to Build Character at Home you will know that I believe respectful relationships are very important for setting the foundation of good character in our kids (and in our families in general). However that does not… {read more}
Self-Care for Mothers: Winding Down
This is a sponsored post. After a busy day with the kids, and once they are finally resting peacefully, I often find myself gravitating to the internet or a movie with the goal of “relaxing.” I love a good film and I could happily spend hours at the keyboard. But while these screens can be great distractions… {read more}
Reflections on Attitude
My Reflection Series offers five questions with corresponding articles/videos to inspire intentional and compassionate parenting. Sign up for posts by email if you would like the series delivered to your inbox. Are you modelling healthy patterns for managing stress? I love this set of ideas from Kelly at A Life Less Frantic about managing stress, anxiety and depression…. {read more}
The Gift of Motherhood
When I first became a mother, I will admit that Mother’s Day in my mind was mostly a day to express appreciation for mothers. How hard we have worked for the family, how much we give of ourselves, how much we will do in years to come… But with maturity and life experience comes perspective, and my view… {read more}