Our family is now six months into our Year of Travel, and we have learned so much along the way. We have seen big cities, tiny towns, outback communities, and beachfront paradises… sandy islands, rocky gorges, stunning mountains, and vast plains… but honestly, one of the best parts about our travel has been meeting all… {read more}
Acts of Kindness
How to Host a Kindness Party
Before our family left for our year of travel last month, we wanted to catch up with friends to say goodbye so I planned some kindness inspired get-togethers using the lovely resources from our friends at BucketFillers101.com. One was a “party in the park” and the other was a book reading at my son’s preschool. At both events we… {read more}
Tips for Organising Service Projects through Your Child’s School
School is a wonderful place to begin teaching kids about how they can use their time, resources, skills, and community to help others. I love it when teachers take the initiative to arrange service projects and integrate it into something the class is learning about, but sometimes they simply don’t have the time. We are… {read more}
Gratitude Goodie Bags {Free Printable}
Our family has been inspired to do three special “kindness outings” by the #FordThinking challenge as part of Kidspot Voices 2015. After being given a Ford Kuga MKII to drive for six weeks plus fuel vouchers, we decided to use the opportunity as a chance to pay it forward to others around us. The first outing we made was giving a Kindness Plate, and… {read more}
Smile Kit {Free Printable}
If your family made the decision to do three acts of kindness together, what would you do? This post shares the second of our family’s “kindness outings” inspired by the #FordThinking challenge as part of Kidspot Voices 2015. You can read about our first outing here. We have been given a Ford Kuga MKII plus petrol vouchers… {read more}
The Kindness Plate {Free Printable}
When I found out I was selected to take part in the #FordThinking challenge as part of Kidspot Voices 2015, I wanted to make the experience meaningful for our family as well as those around us. After all, we were going to get to drive around an awesome new Ford Kuga MKII for six weeks… {read more}
10 Acts of Kindness for Childhood Cancer Patients (and Their Families)
“Your child has cancer.” Can you imagine? In February 2015, my friend Katey received the news that her 18 month old boy Finlay had stage 4 hepatoblastoma. Childhood Cancer Facts: (thanks to The Kids’ Cancer Project) -4 Families hear the words “Your child has cancer” every day -#1 Killer of Australian Kids from disease -The causes of Childhood Cancer… {read more}
Serving with Kids All Year Round: Acts of Kindness for Every Occasion
Just like seeds from a dandelion, our acts of kindness can spread to places far beyond our imaginations… with results we will never see… but this is part of the magic. Over the past year, I have been collecting ideas for serving with my kids – ideas specifically for their age groups, for school, various… {read more}