It’s been a month since I launched this blog (and The Moments A Day Family Challenge) so I thought I would share an update!
If you have been following my blog for a while you may know that I have given myself a year-long challenge to share 365 character-building activities with my children, starting on my 29th birthday and ending on my 30th with a big service project bash 🙂 You can read more about this on my very first blog post.
So how’s it been going?
Well the first month has been super busy (due to many reasons, one being this new baby-blog! and also wrapping up some other big projects) and we haven’t done character-building activities every day (more like 2/3). However we have easily stayed on track with “make ups,” keeping up to date by doing some extra activities on the days we have more time at home. I find it is easy to have meaningful conversations every day however harder to do hands-on things that explicitly relate to character building on those days we’re heading out the door, meeting friends, spending family down time, etc. Overall I feel the challenge has been a great motivator and inspiration for me though, and I look forward to creating more activities and learning more as the months go on 🙂 I’m also keeping a list of the best activities which I will share with you in the future, once I figure out the most user-friendly format and arrangement.
Here is a small sample of the activities I’ve posted about over the past month (click on the picture to visit the post), one from each of my categories – Craft, Home, Outdoors, and Group:
You can also go here to browse through all the activities I’ve posted about so far – you will see they are all easy activities that can be done in 10-15 minutes max with very basic materials. I look forward to learning and sharing more as the months continue…
Please let me know if you have tried any of the activities and how it went! And the invitation is always open to join The Moments A Day Family Challenge – go here for details.
Take care,
PS My first monthly newsletter will be going out within a day or two – be sure to sign up to receive it!
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