When we have our eyes set on our goal and do not give up until we get there, we are practicing determination. Sometimes that is not as easy as it seems… there are obstacles along the way, distractions that take us off course, and even the lack of willpower that can make us stop in our tracks. Helping children recognize when they are practicing determination (and when they are not) is the purpose of this activity.
I found the activity also helped me recognize where my determination was lacking and realize how I can sometimes make excuses for things I should be getting done, when in fact I have just not been practicing determination.
Outdoors Activity
Explorers and rescuers are quite popular in my household. So I use this type of example to begin a discussion: “Did you know that before there were lots of cities, people used to have to travel a long way to different villages? Some people were called “explorers” and they actually went out on journeys to “discover” new places. What would happen if everyone wanted to go out and find some place new, but no one did it? What if some people started, and then they gave up and came home before they met their goal? We would not know about some of the places we know today! Luckily those people had determination, and they followed through until they got to where they wanted to go.”
Then we simply go on an exploration! You can choose any place you would like to walk to as a family. It may be farther than you used to walking, there may be hills, it may be through dirt tracks and over bridges, or it may be to a place you have never been before. After you set your goal, practice determination and make sure you get there! Even if you get tired in the process, you will be glad you completed your task.
Do you (and your kids) practice determination? Do you finish what you set out to do? Are you determined to meet certain goals?

Feel free to share your experiences after using this idea or tell us about any variations you came up with. Links to related activities or to a post linking here, are most welcome also.
Thanks for your feedback – I appreciate all your comments!
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