I’m a lover of blogs and bloggers. Truly blogs have offered me so many great ideas, a comforting reassurance that I’m not “alone” in this mothering journey, and a source of community over the past few years.
When I visit a mommy blog, I love to know the stories of the women writing them. There are often twists and turns, just like in my own life, and I enjoy seeing where the writers came from and where they are in their journey now. As a mommy blogger, I know how much goes into blogs (both time and courage) and I enjoy finding out why these women are motivated to put in the work.
Therefore I have decided to share a bit of my life story here so that, if you want, you can find out how I got here and a bit about where I have been. I would love to get to know you more, too, so feel free to leave an introduction and link to your blog, if you have one!
So where to begin…
I grew up in North Carolina, USA (with parents of American, Swedish and Chinese descent), but I consider myself a world citizen: I have traveled in the Carribean and Europe, studied abroad in Southeast Asia and West Africa, did volunteer work in Israel for 18 months, and now live in Australia. I love all cultures and all people – and truly believe that we are one human family destined to live together in peace.
At age 22 I married my long-distance sweetheart (we met while traveling abroad) then moved to New Zealand. When I couldn’t land my dream job after a year of working two different jobs (first in administration and second as a stenographer), I decided to go ahead and have kids despite my ambitions for a successful career in the research/service sector. Although I knew I would be one of the first among my friends to have children (I was 24 at the time), I figured once my child-rearing days were over I would look older and have more life experience, therefore have a better chance at getting some employment I could really enjoy. Quite a funny and immature reason, looking back 🙂
Little did I know that being a mother would become my dream job and I would decide not to re-enter the workforce, at least not any time soon. The reason, of course, is not that full-time parenting is easy or lucrative by any means. Parenting challenges me to learn and do new things every day, allows me to work hard and be creative, and also gives me the opportunity to serve others in a very meaningful way… which is most everything I ever wanted in a job (having an extremely caring and supportive husband helps, of course). Although I am not fully content with the way our current society views and supports mothers, I feel very blessed to be working as one full-time and I am really excited about where intentional, informed, and integrated parenthood is leading a new generation of families.
I now have two sons born in September 2008 and March 2011, and there is also a special place in my heart for the baby we lost in a miscarriage in January 2013 who we still see as a part of our family even from the next world. We plan to try again for another child within the next year or two.
On the practical side of things, I have a BA in Communications (Highest Honors) and Women’s Studies from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, and have been involved in several educational and advocacy projects around the world, mostly concerning the rights of women and children and using media (photography and video) for exposure and expression. Besides authoring several blogs and being a guest writer on others, I created the Radiant Hearts program focusing on spiritual development of children under 5, have been a contributor to resources published by Virtues in Us, and host semi-regular gatherings for children in my neighborhood focused on building character. Over the past year my husband I have recorded 2 CDs to help children memorize religious scripture, and I am also training to be a Full-Circle Learning teacher. I am very thankful for my faith, which inspires and guides my actions every day.
I am inspired to write this blog because my greatest passion is to work for the rights of women, and at this point in my life that means promoting the nobility of motherhood and supporting moms in the all-important (and very difficult) job of raising value-oriented children. I hope my blog contributes to this aim, in whatever small way it is possible.
My life is full of many of the same daily tests and trials any mom might face – sleepless nights, food boycotts, working on less whining and more helping out with chores – but this website is not a place I will be sharing most of those struggles. However please don’t assume they aren’t there in my life because you mostly see cute crafts and fun activities. Here you will read about only a very small portion of what makes up my day; the reason it is called Moments A Day… but my day is filled with many different kinds of moments as I’m sure you understand. As a mommy blogger, I try to be upfront about the image my blog produces which never includes the full story and I hope this comes across in my posts. I am far from perfect!
What I really want to remember, and share on my blog, is this: it only takes a few moments to turn that frown upside down and to go from grumpiness to gratitude. I hope this blog will help us both do that when we want to spin the day around to go in a totally new, and better, direction.
So how about you? Where do you come from and how did you get here? I hope to “meet” you in the comments 🙂
Wow you have such an interesting life! I will enjoy sharing your activities and ideas with my own two children and in my classroom.
I also blog. I write about play, art, craft, cooking and more for kids at http://octaviaandvicky.com/about
Thanks for commenting Kylie! I’ve enjoyed reading your blog and look forward to getting to know you more over the coming months 🙂
I love your blog Chelsea, you have done so much with your life compared to me! Read more about my kids craft blog here: http://www.thecrafttrain.com/
Luckily there is no way to compare, Kate, as we all have totally unique journeys! 🙂 I love your blog as well and look forward to following along!
I find your blog exceptionally helpful and inspiring. I don’t read it everyday but very often. I have tucked a few ideas away to use with my six grandchildren and I often share your ideas and links with my daughter and daughter inlaw who both have the privilage of being ‘at home’ mums. Loved raeding your story and Thank you again for creating your blog.
Thanks Lynne I’m so glad you are finding it useful! I usually post two (at most three) times a week so you probably haven’t missed much 🙂 Thanks for the comment!!
Thank you so much for sharing all about your life. I find you very interesting and your blog very inspiring. What a beautiful family!
Thank you Kate! I love your blog too and look forward to learning alongside you and all the other amazing mama bloggers 🙂
Love that you’ve taken time out to write a personal post – incredibly inspiring & heartfelt.
I have three little boys and also chose for full-time motherhood. It’s a luxury I’m grateful for. I write a blog about parenting abroad
http://lifewithadoublebuggy.blogspot.nl/ as well as a less well maintained blog about (expat) life in the Netherlands. http://letterfromthenetherlands.blogspot.nl/ The latest post there tells a bit about how I came to be on the path I’m now on. Looking forward to more great posts from you 🙂
Hi Amanda thanks so much for sharing your blogs, I look forward to checking them out! Full-time motherhood is definitely a luxury – I feel so fortunate to be allowed the hard work (although I can always remember to be more thankful and patient throughout).
Dear Chelsea,
thanks again for another wonderful post. I have no blog of my own (I actually started one when I was pregnant but haven’t been able to keep it up) but I love reading your thoughts, ideas and adventures! My life probably would have been totally boring had it not been for the Bahai Faith. I became a Bahai when I was 17 and have met so many wonderful people, traveled to very interesting places (including places that other people would have shun like Kosovo just a short time after the war) and witnessed so many miracles (big and small) since. I got married in 2008 and our son was born in October 2011, so he started another exciting chapter in our lives. We have our ups and downs, crises and victories and I wouldn’t wanna miss a moment of it. I started working part time again as a doctor in January which gives me sort of a balance (and the necessary income for our newly built house :)). I find it challenging raising a value-orientated kid (and hopefully one or two more in the near future) in a world where people still think it has to be the “survival of the fittest”, but your blog as well as Radiant Hearts and other ressources help me a lot! So, please continue with this great service!!
Lots of love from Germany! Maria
Thanks so much for sharing Maria! I love how you appreciate the crisis and victories… that is one of the most important parts to stay joyful isn’t it. All the best to you and your family and I’m so glad to have you here!
LOVED hearing your story! I smiled because I too was studying women’s studies just a hop away from you at Duke! Must have coffee when our paths cross!!!
Wow Allison! I always loved Duke but UNC was more affordable since I was in state he he. I would love to meet up one day!
So fun to learn more about your Chelsea! I absolutely love the premise if your blog, and was so thrilled to “meet” you in the KBN. My husband and I have both traveled a bit as well (him more than me) and we want to raise our children with more of a world knowledge as well. In fact, my daughter goes to a Montessori preschool and is always talking about the continents..my mom thought it was odd that they teach that first and not the US States (since we are in the US) 😉 I had to explain the whole world view part of Montessori.
Anyway…love your blog so far and am really looking forward to following along!
Thanks Katie that is so awesome about Montessori! I would love to learn more about it. I love your blog as well and have learned so much from it 🙂