A few months ago I shared that I was spreading the word about the Mother’s Day Classic, an Australia wide event raising funds for breast cancer research. The day has now come and gone, and I am so glad I participated.
I will admit that, at first, signing up for a run when I haven’t regularly exercised for more than a decade caused me to feel a bit of anxiety. I honestly thought that by committing to a 4.5K run I would be motivated to exercise. Well, that’s a topic for another post… coming soon. (UPDATE: Here is that post.) The event however was for all ages and you could tell from the atmosphere that everyone was participating to have fun, no matter your speed. After all, there was a range of events to choose from: 4.5K walk or run, and the 8K walk or run. We were all raising funds and awareness for a good cause and so it was more about participation than making your best time.
Actually the camaraderie during the run was fantastic. People were chatting, cheering each other on, and taking selfies the whole way through. There were little groups of cheerleaders along the way, a water station half way through, and even markers for each kilometre so you had an idea of how much longer you had to go. Afterwards there were stalls with food and games, and it was a great way to spend the morning.
Funnily enough, I put up a photo on Instagram when I got to the starting line about 15 minutes before the run was due to start, and a blogging buddy posted a photo just a minute later. I looked back, and there she was! I was so grateful to join up with Lauren (who blogs at Create Bake Make) and her buddy Diana – pictured in the first photo in this post.
Running with friends was so much fun, and next time I definitely want to sign up as a group. (If you live in Brisbane, send me a message if you want to create a team next year!)
I loved the little medal they handed out to all participants (which converts into a lanyard and key ring). Here it is with my little stash of Mother’s Day goodies to remember the day. It was the first time my boys were in school and had made me gifts for Mother’s Day, so it was a very sweet memory.
If you want to find out more about this annual event, visit the Mother’s Day Classic website and sign up for the newsletter so you can be updated with details next year.
Have you participated in a run for a cause and, if so, how did it go? Would you do it again?
This is not a sponsored post. I did receive a T-shirt to help promote the event. To read more about sponsorship on my website, visit this page.
Love the new blog look Chelsea! Good on you! Participating in a run for a cause is what started me running! I couldn’t even run 500 metres before stopping out of breath! That was over 2 years ago and now I can smash out 10K. Such a great thing to do. x
Thanks Kelly glad you like it! 🙂 I used to run a bit in middle and high school but haven’t run basically since then. I go through stages of working out a couple times then stop. Still working on making it a priority! I was so happy to have running buddies though because they were so motivating. Our time was around 31 minutes which I was pretty happy about, considering. 🙂
It was great to have another running buddy, and really lovely to see you again. I’m so proud of ourselves for completing the run (and in a pretty awesome time too!).
I love your Mothers Day gifs from the boys, very special x
So lovely to see you too! You all definitely made me run faster than I would have on my own 😉