My Reflection Series offers five questions with corresponding articles/videos to inspire intentional and compassionate parenting. Sign up for posts by email if you would like the series delivered to your inbox.
Do you ever get stuck when you are trying to make a change in your life?
I loved this Marie Forleo interview with Todd Herman about the secrets to creating change. Some very practical and insightful strategies here.
Watch it now-> 5 Secrets to Change Your Life
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Are you setting unreasonable expectations of your young children, causing them to “fail”?
Kate from Peaceful Parents, Confident Kids shares some awesome insight into how we may be setting our kids up to fail (i.e. make “mistakes”), through everyday oversights. Check out the tangible examples in her article (some which I can definitely relate to) – wonderful food for thought.
Read it here-> How I’m Setting My Daughter Up to Fail
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Is your child learning to value their appearance or their character?
There are some very thought provoking points in this post by Lauren at The Military Wife and Mom to help parents make sure they are showing their children that it’s their child’s character, not their looks, that is most important. With all the media and consumerism focused on “looking good” these days, I think this topic is definitely an important one to consider.
Read it here-> 5 Ways to Help Your Child Value Character Over Good Looks
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Do you ever get stuck in comparison mode with other mothers, or ever wonder why they are making different choices?
This article by Kate at Picklebums really rang true for me – I love how she reminds us that each parent will make their own decisions and, whether or not we agree with them, we can still be friends. Even when we feel passionately about a certain method or way to go about parenting… we can still be kind.
Read it now-> It’s OK to Make Different Choices
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Are you ever at a loss as to why your children are complaining even though they have so much?
Wow I could really relate to this video from Amanda at Not Just Cute. I love how she helps us empathise with our kids but also shares ideas for helping them develop gratitude – both regarding behaviour (using manners) and also creating an attitude of gratitude.
Watch it now-> How Do You Teach Kids Gratitude?
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To find more inspiring links featured in my Reflection Series, click here.
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Wow Chelsea, you are too kind including me in this series! Honestly, I feel famous right now being featured on such a big blog. Thank you so much. I’m totally surprised! I’m really excited to dive into your other features. I love Kate from Picklebums and her article on parenting choices. Parenting is not a one size fits all, and I agree with her–we can all be friends and still chose differently. Her parenting posts are spot on. Can’t wait to dive into these posts. Thanks for sharing 🙂 Will share on social media today.
Have a great day!
I’m a bit late to the party, but will now go back and check out 1-4. It’s a great series, thanks for sharing.