The other day my husband and I were chatting about what we would like to do on the weekend and it occurred to me that I rarely think of what *I* want to do anymore. I usually have one or two events scheduled per day (school, trip to the store, birthday party, appointment, etc) and the rest of the time feels a bit like “survival mode” – simply making sure the family is fed and cared for.
On the days when the house is already tidy and the meals are prepared, we tend to do family activities the kids will enjoy such as playing games or spending time outdoors. Now while I do enjoy having quality time with my family, there are other things that I always wished I had more time for as well… but I tend to forget this until after the fact.
Why don’t I spend time on things I personally enjoy? I guess I have made the kids and work my priorities instead of pursuing my own pleasures. However upon reflection I think my children would actually benefit from seeing me engage in meaningful hobbies, so that they can learn to respect the past-times of other people and also see an adult role model honouring their own personal interests.
So I decided to make a list of five hobbies that I enjoy but do not always remember. I hope this list will trigger my memory when we are deciding “what to do” and I might spend a bit more time on them. Honestly (except watching a film) all of them can be done in small chunks of time, and dedicating a half hour to one of them on the weekend would be so much better than nothing… which is pretty much what I’m doing now. Over time, I know that intentionally embracing hobbies that I personally love – even in tiny proportions – will bring me a great deal of contentment.
My list was:
- Making music
- Writing poetry
- Photography
- Reading for pleasure
- Watching a good film
Do you spend time on personal hobbies and, if so, what are they? How do you fit them into your busy lifestyle?
If you love photography too, you are invited to enjoy a free mini photography course by Moments A Day affiliate Beryl Ayn Young who I interviewed a few months ago (read the article here). She has created a fantastic series of classes to help mothers learn and enjoy photography with their families – in a format that suits a mother’s busy lifestyle. Go here to join the free mini course and I’ll “see” you there!
This post is part of the series Self-Care for Mothers in which I discuss caring for myself amidst the busy reality that is motherhood. I believe in order to “be our best” as parents we have to take care of ourselves as individuals. This series is dedicated to sharing insights that I am learning during my own journey and inviting readers to share their tips as well. Check out the rest of the series by clicking here.
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Great list. Definitely focus on the time you CAN grab. I have discovered new interests in the last five years and added them (drawing, painting, embroidery) alongside my old faves of reading (daily) and movie watching. I think this has come along as my girls have grown from preschool age through primary school. Xx
Love your perspective Deb and thanks for reminding me that things will change and evolve as my kids go through different stages of life 🙂