Acts of Kindness by Real Families is a series of short interviews featuring stories about service to others. Whether big or small, planned out or spontaneous, hearing about any act of kindness can inspire us to give more to those around us. It’s fun to find new ways to show kindness in our communities, and I hope you will be inspired to get your kids involved in serving others through these creative ideas.
This week we have Renae from Every Star is Different sharing about her family’s inspiring experience serving refugees in their community.
What happened: Ever since our children watched news of the refugee crisis, they have been desperate to find ways to help. As we searched for an opportunity, we were encouraged to contact Interfaith Works of Central NY, as they have a Center for New Americans. Through this program we were able to become ambassadors for a refugee family from Iraq, that arrived over the summer.
As an ambassador we worked with other volunteers to prepare an apartment for them. This process included donating household items, collecting donations from others, purchasing missing items, cleaning, and decorating the apartment for them. The night of their arrival we welcomed them at the airport. For the next six months we are their point of contact, visiting them, and helping them in ways that they may need. Our family from Iraq does not speak English. One major aspect of our visits includes lessons for the whole family.
How the experience affected your family: This service experience has been like none other we’ve ever participated in. Our children took the lead and continue to do so, showing us how to have unconditional love for others, no matter their race, religion, or background. Time spent with our family from Iraq is magical. They treat us like royalty, despite having nothing.
Message to others: There is always a way to help those in need, even if they come from the other side of the world. Refugees are arriving ever day from war-torn countries. Contact your local organizations to find out how your family can help refugees in your area.
Thanks so much Renae for sharing your story!
Renae is a homeschooling mother of four special needs children with developmental and emotional disabilities. She blogs about her family’s journey at Every Star Is Different, providing unit studies, syllabuses, activities, free printables and support for families with special needs. Renae and her husband believe that by teaching their special needs children to serve others, they can help them grow, learn to cope with their own challenges, and contribute to society in positive and uplifting ways. To follow the journey of Renae’s family you can join them on Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter, or subscribe to their free newsletter.
Here are some other articles by Renae that you may enjoy:
- 12 Months of Family Service Projects
- Family Focused Random Acts of Christmas Kindness
- Our Simple, Kid Friendly, Random Acts of Christmas Kindness Countdown
If you are interested in contributing to the Acts of Service by Real Families series here at Moments A Day, please send an email describing your story to and I will be in touch soon. ~Chelsea
It’s important to be kind to others as a parent, by so doing, we’re not just helping them out, but also indirectly building our kids intrinsic values. When they see us do kinds stuffs, they would ask question and through that they get educated.