After thoroughly enjoying our new Circle of Light CD over the past couple weeks (read my review of this awesome CD that teaches kids to live a lifestyle of kindness here!), I decided to do a simple activity with the kids to further discuss the message of bucket filling. The idea was that we would dedicate a wall in… {read more}
Review: Circle of Light CD (Bucket Filler Resources for Teaching Kindness)
When I found out that one of my favourite musical artists was making an album to accompany one of our family’s favourite children’s books, I could hardly wait to hear the result. I am very excited to share Red Grammer’s new album Circle of Light: Songs for Bucket Fillers, created in collaboration with Carol McCloud, author of Have You Filled A Bucket… {read more}
10+ Simple Handmade Gifts from Children
Making and giving handmade presents has several character building benefits for children: They have an opportunity to demonstrate empathy by thinking about what another person would like and creativity by choosing a unique gift to make for them. They have the chance to think about friendship by looking for ways to make their friends happy and thoughtfulness by making someone else feel loved and appreciated. They will… {read more}
Easy Ways to Serve During the Holidays
The end of the year for many families is especially busy. With a schedule packed full of events, extended family visiting, and other details to attend to, it can be unfortunately easy to forget that there are still those in great need around us. Serving others does not have to be difficult or complicated. Integrating… {read more}
Acts of Kindness for Toddlers and Preschoolers: Bringing a Meal to a Family in Need
“If there is any kindness I can show, or any good thing I can do to any fellow being, let me do it now, and not deter or neglect it, as I shall not pass this way again.” -William Penn As this year comes to an end and another new year is about to begin,… {read more}
52 Acts of Kindness for Families with Young Children
Every person can use their head, heart, and hands to make the world a better place. I truly believe that we all have the power to make a change, even if it is small… you really never know what that change may mean to someone else. But life is busy, and a bit crazy with… {read more}
10 Easy Character Building Activities for Toddlers
Every parent knows how quickly toddlers pick things up. They will copy most anything they see, the good and the not-so-good. Healthy habits can often be passed down by mere imitation. However teaching toddlers the language of values and creating games around character building themes can help establish these character traits into every day work… {read more}
DIY Inspirational Collages
Last month my mom was in the hospital for a couple weeks for a surgery. Because I live across the world (we are in Australia; whereas the rest of my family is in the USA) I unfortunately could not be there. I wanted, however, to do something that would cheer my mom up and let… {read more}