Last year I was interviewed for the Be The Best Parent You Can Be video summit, a series featuring 22 parenting experts hosted by Jeanne-Marie Paynel of Voila Montessori. The series aimed to share ideas about nurturing children’s full potential as well as support parents in their caregiving role.
Here is my interview, I hope it gives you a bit more insight into my work and why I think character building is so helpful for families. To find out more about watching the full summit visit this page.
The 20% coupon I mentioned during the interview is 20GIFT. Simply input the code when you check out after adding the three ebook bundle to your cart.
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I enjoyed watching this video. You communicate very well on camera. I enjoy reading your blog as your discussions and book reviews are so relevant to what we teach at our preschool. At the preschool I teach at, we teach character traits, one per month, with a bible verse that goes with each one. We send tips home to the parents as to how to encourage these traits at home. I just wanted to encourage you as to how relevant your blog is. You are right, there is so much information out on the internet. I’ve had to pick and choose the few educational blogs I choose to follow and refer to the parents I work with. Yours is definitely at the top of the list as one tool to give our parents, because not only is character education so important, it needs to be teachable, first and foremost by the parents.
What an encouraging message, thank you so much for taking the time to leave feedback and let me know that my blog has been useful to you. I’m so glad to have you following along!