Just over three months after my baby was born, I was blessed with a beautiful postpartum ceremony offered by my doula Tanya of Nourished Beginnings. This was my first pregnancy where I considered hiring a doula and I am forever thankful for having her support. It made such a difference to my mental, physical and… {read more}
Growing from Motherhood
Inspiration Cards for a Peaceful Postpartum Experience
Since a couple months prior to my due date with baby #4, I’ve been working with a beautiful doula named Tanya from Nourished Beginnings who I hired to help support me during my initial postpartum period. Even though I’ve had three babies before, I am learning so much from her about leaning in to the postpartum… {read more}
Rebirthing Myself as a Mother
After I gave birth to my three older children, I wrote a detailed summary of their birth story. This helped me process the experience and also record the day’s events so I could share the story with each child in the future. However with my last child, born a few weeks ago, my husband actually… {read more}
Growing From Motherhood: A Series of Stories from Mothers Sharing Their Challenges
I capture their every movement, their every shadow, in the endless crevices of my heart. Because I am a mother – and I can do nothing less than love my children with my entire being. I am that mom behind the wheel, in front of the stove, under a mountain of laundry, and on top of the world… {read more}
7 Challenges Faced by Multicultural Families
This is a guest post written by Leanna of All Done Monkey. Multicultural families face challenges similar to other families: What values do we want to pass on to our children? What traditions do we want to teach them? How can we give them the best education? What role will extended family play in our… {read more}
Coping with the Legacy of an Eating Disorder
I can vividly remember the last time I stuck my fingers down my throat to make myself vomit. Hunched over the toilet seat of the high school restroom, I was so distraught with guilt and feelings of my life slipping away that I decided, then and there, not to ever do it again. The thing… {read more}
Our Journey Through Adoption
This is a guest post by Becky Morales of Kid World Citizen. My two 4 year olds sat giggling in the cart while I checked out at Target. “Oh cute, are they twins?” I looked at the cashier, and then glanced at my kids: my daughter, Mexican-American, and my son, Ethiopian. “No, they’re a month… {read more}
Parenting Abroad: Sharing The Perspective of an Expat Mom
This is a guest post by Olga Mecking of European Mama. We all know parenting is hard. There are so many decisions to be made, important decisions that could affect the life of you and your child forever. More and more families decide to raise their children abroad- and mine is one of them. I… {read more}